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How to customize the loader cube from Minecraft Dungeons


All needed files for this tutorial can be found here.


Step by step: Blender

Huge Thanks for @CCCode for creating this model

  1. Open LoadingSpinnerBlock.blend with Blender

  2. Drag the green bar at the bottom at the beginning of the animation green bar

  3. Go to the Shading tab at the top of the screen shading tab

  4. Click on the blank face of the block in front of you (you get a green outline surrounding it) block green outline

  5. In the bottom slide, in the Orange Area, click on the cross & import a new texture: A. import texture 1
    B. import texture 2
    C. import texture 3

  6. Drag the green slider until a new face

    • Remake the previous step & this one until all faces are done
    • ⚠️ The second side of the animation got 2 orange tabs: this is because the animation file uses a non-euclidean cube, there are 2 textures for 1 face.

    Optional: You can go to the Texture Paint tab & press the space bar to see your texture on the model.

  7. Return to the Layout tab, and in the bottom right, change the output path output path

  8. Finally: at the top left, click on render, then render the animation, all screenshots should be in where you set the output path. render animation

Step by step: Python

Install Pillow:

As said before, you will need the Pillow module, install it (if you haven't already installed it).

  1. Press Windows + R then type cmd then enter

  2. Write this command: pip install pillow then press enterpip install command

  3. Once you have installed python & Pillow and that you have all the screenshots (with the right name), you can simply double click the script to get the texture atlas. ⚠️ The script needs to be in the same file as screenshots took by Blender.

Step by step: Unreal Engine 4

  1. You need to put the loader.png file in this folder: UE4Project\Content\UI\Materials\LoadingScreens\Misc

  2. Open your Dungeons.uproject from UE4Project/

  3. Find the file in your project and open it: open file

  4. Then you have to change settings on the right tab:

    • Compression Settings → BC7
    • Mip Gen Settings → NoMipmaps
    • Texture Group → UI settings

Everything should be good, you now just have to package your files using the Dokucraft Tool

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